MC Weesatch

My MC Weesatch arrived.
For this gear is Local made, buckle and D-ring is all black.
Within some weeks, tailor will change these BLKs into TAN.

In Picture, Weesatch has two SAPI plate in it.


My MC(*) system

My MC system is up there. :-)

From leftside...

CRYE Field shirt,

HSGI Baseball Cap,

CRYE Combat shirt,

HSGI Boonie hat,

SKD Tactical Battle pants.

Notice Reinforced elbow part of CRYE Field shirt. (just right side og Baseball cap)

There is one more item.....It will be ready within 5 days. (maybe)

* MC stands for Multicam Camoflague.


My multicam system almost get ready....

Good, good.

My multicam boonie (HSGI) and field shirt (CRYE) are ready to ship.

If it goes as plan, I will make up my multicam set until next WED (14th, june)

And my multicam repro of Weesatch will be done 20th, June.

And than....
VFC SCAR is coming to me in Next year!!
Good job, VFC.


My repro MICH (2001 type) + Multicam Cover

Mich is repro of JUST (in Taiwan).
It`s reproduction quality is much better than China repro MICH.

Multicam Cover is original local made type design by Vestland collection.
(it`s material is 50:50 nylon : cotton. Not 1000D nylon)

As you see, there is uncovered bolt head on cover.
that`s why cover made for 2000 type MICH, and small size shell.
For make sure to get stuck and tight, I use the bolt for hold cover

By next wed, I can get my CRYE field shirt and HSGI boonle (in Multicam).
I can have a full gear in Multicam within June.
(My multicam Weesatch is on making for my order. :-p )


my pics for profile

On Airsoft game of June, 2006.
Put on my CRYE Combat shirt,
SKD pants,
repro Recon harness,
My M4 RIS with M203A1

I have my CRYE Comabt shirt.

This is my CRYE combat shirt.

Thanks to Mr. Shin of CA.